Here are 10 neighborhoods with the priciest houses in the nation. Florida is on the list

Which areas have the priciest houses in the country?

Zillow calculated a list of the top home values, and found most of the areas are in Florida and California.

MORE: Haven for millionaire house hunters? Coral Gables, Miami Beach have priciest U.S. homes

Here’s how the Top 10 rank:

1. Gables Estates, Coral Gables: $19.4 million typical home price.

2. Port Royale, Naples: $16.49 million

3. Beverly Hills Gateway, California: $10.79 million

4. Old Cutler Bay, Coral Gables: $10.22 million

5. Beverly Hills’ The Flats, California: $9.28 million

6. Rivo Alto Island, Miami Beach: $9.1 million

7. Bear’s Club, Jupiter: $8.99 million

8. Aqualane Shore, Naples, $8.88 million

9. San Marino Island, Miami Beach, $8.84 million

10. Trousdale Estates, Beverly Hills, California: $8.5 million
