What happens to your face if you use Botox to treat migraines?

Q. I’ve been having migraines for so long that I finally decided I want to try Botox. I’m 28 and I want to do the treatment but I want to make sure that I don’t get weird side effects that make me look odd. Is it possible to do this without having that happened to me?


One of the very common uses of Botox is for the treatment of migraine headaches. The exact mechanism by which Botox works to relieve migraines isn’t fully understood. It’s believed that Botox blocks neurotransmitters that carry pain signals from your brain.

When Botox is used for treating migraines, it is typically injected into specific muscles in the forehead, temples, face, back of the head, neck, and shoulders. These injections can relax the muscles and reduce muscle tension, which may contribute to migraine relief.

If done properly, treatments for migraines can be very effective, as well as giving a very visible positive cosmetic effect. Some doctors over treat the back, neck and face area causing a “bobble head“ affect.This is a condition where the patient is barely able to keep their head up while standing, and they also look very sad because all the muscles in the face and forehead are affected .

Picking a physician who is either a facial plastic surgeon, plastic surgeon or another physician who has expertise in both the functional and cosmetic aspects of Botox, is essential. Look at reviews, ask your friends and ask questions. Above all recognize that if all the above happens it is reversible with time.

Dr. Carlos Wolf
Dr. Carlos Wolf

Dr. Carlos Wolf is a partner in Miami Plastic Surgery and is board certified. Email questions to him at Cwolf@miamiplasticsurgery.com